Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do Elk Fight In Heaven?

This is the first thought which came to mind when I read in a friend's Facebook post of the passing of the famous (or infamous) elk #10.  #10 was killed by a local wolf pack at the ripe old age of 15-18 years old.
                                                             #10 Copyright Peter Zuzga

It was with much anticipation I spent my first season in Yellowstone National Park waiting for the elk rut to start. Late August I started hearing the buzz among staff: “Monster was up at Africa Lake last night” or “#6 was seen out by the high bridge”, this news was often met with a mixture of excitement and dread among my coworkers who had been there many more seasons than I.  I had heard stories of Mammoth Hot Spring’s most famous elk the car smashing duo of #6 and #10, but surely I thought these stories were greatly exaggerated. Right?  I hadn’t seen any bull elk all summer, and while yes I had watched visitors get chased and charged by female elk I had no idea what I was in for.

Bull or male elk stick to themselves up in the high country protecting their growing antlers and packing on the pounds all summer long.  Come late August or sometimes not until mid-September, depending on the weather, the bull elk head to their favorite breeding grounds to round up a harem of female elk to mate with.  Once a bull has his harem he has to protect them and keep them at all costs. Bulls can and will steal other females from their rivals.   A bull elk can lose as much as half of their body weight during the rut trying to ward off would be rivals and keep their harems together.  But bull elk have an arsenal of ways to keep their harems together and I have witnessed it all while trying, often in vain, to keep the elk and the tourist separated.

1)      The Antlers: I use to tell tourist that the rut was all about the antlers.  The bull with the most impressive rack wins the females. Female elk will size up the health of the males in the area by the size and symmetry of their antlers.  Male elk will use their antlers to destroy shrubbery, rip up grass, and in the case of elk #6 and #10 bash out car windows, break out trail lights, rip off mufflers, and chase visitors all as a way of showing other male elk how tough they are and impress lone female elk.  #6 chased me twice and I watched him destroy car after car which stopped to take his picture. (65 cars in his last mating season.)

2)      The Bugle: An elk bugle carries for ¼ of a mile or more depending on the wind conditions. It is by far the easiest way to tell where the elk are if for some reason you can’t see them.  Bull elk spend A LOT of time, especially in the evening and nighttime hours, bugling.  Bugling is the elks way of saying “this is my spot go find your own and I WILL defend my spot!” The sexually mature males have a bugle which starts low (almost sounds like a growl) and ends high. Younger males have mainly the high pitched end of the bugle.
                                        Copyright Peter Zuzga

3)      The Size up: Every now and then two bulls will size each other up by doing what’s called paralleling. They will run or trot alongside each other antlers laid back almost horizontal to their backs sizing each other up. They may do it two or three times and then one elk will decide the other guy is bigger and wander away on his own.  Sometimes when the “looser” makes his way back into the ceded turf the “victor” will give chase at speeds of 30 miles an hour until the looser has been driven far enough away.  Every so often when two elk are sizing each other younger smaller males will sneak into their harems and mate with their females and make a run for it when they see the big guy coming back.

4)      The Fight: In six seasons of watching elk during the rut I saw only one fight.  They are rare no elk wants to damage their rack of antlers. If they break you could lose all of their females, like I said it is all about the antlers!  This particular fight lasted maybe 5 minutes at the most. These two elk had stood all day on either side of the road bugling at each other as they guarded their harems in tight groups. I had seen these two elk size each other up on numerous occasions and the smaller of the two had always wandered off.  Today junior was feeling his oats and decided to take on his much larger competitor. The larger of the bulls pushed his competitor up the hill as the smaller of the two tried to dig in his heals. They released a few times only to lock antlers again.  As they smashed into each other each elk lost at least two antler points each which is pretty impressive when you think that this is the hardest part of the antler.  Antlers are made from bone and can grow as much as a ¼ of an inch per day.  They smashed into and moved picnic tables which are so heavy it takes about 6 people to move one. After the fight was over the looser went and “sulked” alone on the other side of the road while the victor went back to his females.    
Copyright Peter Zuzga

Copyright Peter Zuzga
So, while #10 and #6 have gone to the great prairie in the sky their offspring roam the hills and valleys around Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park. Visitors beware.


Photographs used with the permission of Peter Zuzga.  
More Information:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Excuse me, is your dress made out of slime?

Q: What do you do with a bucket of hagfish slime?

A:  If you are a hagfish you use it to gum up the gills and mouths of things trying to eat you.  If you’re a scientist you see if you can make clothing or bullet proof vests out of it.

The hagfish gets no love from most people unless you happen to be a teenage boy with a fascination for all things snot like. A hagfish is an ancient creature older than the dinosaurs which lives in the deep deep depths of the ocean 5,600 feet below the surface feeding on mainly dead things. This blind boneless “fish” has no teeth, but eats by using the hooks on the end of its tongue to rip off pieces of food.  By far the most memorable thing about a hagfish is the SLIME.  I had the chance to see a hagfish and its slime up close and personal one day at the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport, Oregon.  The program presenter had a hagfish in a five gallon bucket. Needless to say the hagfish did not like being moved from one place to another and did what hagfish do when threatened or agitated it oozed slime. This slime comes out though pores in the skin and there can be as many as one hundred on each side of the hagfish’s body. (Check out the a really cool video:  The presenter reached in and pulled out the hagfish slime telling us that one hagfish can produce about one gallon of slime at a time! He invited us up at the end of the program to touch his slime. How could I resist.  I grabbed hold of the edge of the slime with two fingers and pulled, it stretched nicely, but then I tried to let go it stuck fast. A few minutes of scraping and a few tissues later I was free of the slime.  

At first glance this clear slime looks a little bit like snot, but unlike mucus this stuff bends and stretches and sticks to everything it comes in contact with.  This is because unlike mucus the hagfish slime has little tiny fibers in the slime which allows it to stretch without breaking. Apparently if you allow hagfish slime to dry it becomes rather silky and can be twisted into thread.  Scientists are currently working in the lab to see if they can replicate the protein structure of the hagfish fibers as a way to make super stretchy fabrics for athletic wear, packing materials, or even bulletproof vests.  Environmentally friendly fabric made from hagfish slime, who would have thought.


For more information:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can Caffeine Save The World?

Ever wish you could collect a group of scientists together and suggest a question for them to work on? Ok, maybe it is just me.  Here is the question which has recently sprung into my mind: Would introducing the genes which create the chemical compound caffeine increase crop yields? That’s just crazy you say. Well think about it. Plants have three main problems: 1) getting enough sunlight and nutrients to survive, 2) attracting pollinators, and 3) creating a way to keep from being eaten. Caffeine can help with these problems.

Problem #1: Getting Enough Sunlight and Nutrients
Caffeine is an allelopathic chemical which is known to kill, stunt, or stop seed germination of plants nearby. The caffeine is sent out through the plants leaves, through a process I don’t quite understand, which messes with the respiration of the leaves the plant is trying to kill. Plants can also send out caffeine through the roots into the soil and as the old leaves fall and decompose more caffeine is released into the soil.  From personal experience I can tell you caffeine is a darn effective plant killer. 

In the greenhouse I use to work in we had one raised planting bed with coffee and tea plants and no matter what other plants we tried to grow in that raised bed nothing worked. Once we learned of caffiene’s allelopathic properties we set up a slightly scientific experiment using sterilized soil, grass seed, leaves of the coffee plant and tea plant, and distilled water. We grew three pots of grass and once they had reached a certain size we put the same amount of tea and coffee leaves into a blender with some distilled water and “watered” the two pots of grass with the leaf water. In two months’ time we had killed the grass treated with tea or coffee leaf water.

Problem #2: How to Attract Pollinators.   
Again caffeine appears to help here too especially with honey bees. Dr. Geraldine Wright at Newcastle University in England last month published a paper about how caffeine affected the learning behavior of honey bees. It seems that plants which create nectar with a little bit of caffeine in it get more repeat pollinators. Bees which get nectar with a little bit of caffeine in it seem to remember the plant's smell better. Bees associate the scent of the flower with whatever “buzz” like feeling they get from the caffeine. 

What would be cool here is to take the bees from Dr. Barrett A.Klein's study which he woke up using his “insominator device and see if giving them a little bit of caffeine in the morning helps them to communicate better with their hive mates about the location of good flowers.

Problem #3: Creating A Way To Keep From Being Eaten

Yep, caffeine is useful here too. If you were to eat straight caffeine you would notice that it has a very unpleasant bitter taste. The bitter taste helps to keep away hungry herbivores and caffeine concentrations in leaves and plant stems can be lethal to many plant eating insects and slugs.

Ok, scientists of the world I have given you something to think about now go see if this all makes any practical sense.