Saturday, June 8, 2013


Over the last two weeks I have been stuck indoors in what is known as seasonal training. I define this a torture and I'm sure it is against the Geneva Convention to keep people normally used to being outside confined in a small space being made to watch hour after hour of PowerPoint presentations.   So after almost two weeks of this I needed to get OUT!  After a BBQ the other night I grabbed my camera and walked about 1/4 mile away from our hotel to a field just outside the entrance to Glacier National Park. I plunked my butt in the middle of a field full of flowers and sat there watching the sunset behind the famous Lewis Thrust Overfault.

I hadn't been there more than a few minutes before a coyote on his nightly rounds stumbled apon me.  He cocked his head a little to the side and gave me this look of "what are you doing in my field?"  After a few glances he went back on his way.  The sun sank lower towards the horizon painting the sky a vibrant pink and throwing the last rays of sun onto the snowfields.

I sat there and watched the dying light play across the sky, suddenly becoming aware of a commotion taking place about a mile down the road. A large female moose lumbered from the willows and strolled down the street ignoring the paparazzi gathered on either side.  I glanced back to the sunset in front of me and who should appear but mister fox with a mouth full of food heading probably back to his den site.
With the chill in the air growing more intense and twilight giving way to night I strolled my way back to the lodge not realizing I was being watched from behind. As I neared the lodge a coworker shouted

from the third floor balcony that there was a moose behind me.  I turned and sure enough there bolting for the nearby hillside was a female moose suddenly startled by a sudden group of two legged animals in her path.

This week get outside and find a spot near a pond, in a field, or even a city park. You never know who you might see. 

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